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This project follows Prince2 best practices at least in terms of there being somebody who is Directing, somebody who is Managing, and somebody who is Delivering. This document describes the aims of the project, how it will be managed, designed, built, tested, deployed, maintained, used, and not least, secured. Application and data security, including user privacy, will be overseen by an acknowledged security expert with particular regard for the provisions of data protection within the UK (GDPR).


More than one role can be filled by the same person.

Programme Management

Role Responsibility Name
Programme Manager Appoint board

Project Board

Role Responsibility Name
Executive Appoint team
Senior Users Define requirements
Senior Suppliers Provide resources

Team Management

Role Responsibility Name
Assurance Assure stakeholder interests
Change Authority Manage unplanned change
Project Manager Manage project plan and day-to-day running
Team Manager Fulfil needs of project plan
Support General admin

Project and Product Security

Role Responsibility Name
Security Manager Manage project and product security, including project and user data

Project Brief

See here

The Project

See here

Objectives and outcomes

See here

Scope and exclusions

See here

Constraints and assumptions

See here


See here


See here

Outline business case

The proposal submission tool previously serving this purpose no longer works, and cannot be fixed.

Product description

See here

Project approach

See here

Meetings and reports

Project meetings will be held every Monday afternoon, and as necessary.


See here


This log identifies any impacts on the project in the form of risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies. A risk may happen and needs to be planned for, an issue has happened and needs to be dealt with. Assumptions need to be verified to determine whether or not they constitute a risk. Dependencies, particularly external ones (either outgoing or incoming) may constitute a risk. A RAID template is provided with this documentation.

RACI matrix

For any particular task the RACI matrix defines which role is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted or Informed in relation to that task. A RACI template is provided with this documentation.