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Add a Technical Goal

A fresh proposal will have no Technical Goals and you will be presented with the following page:

no technical goals summary page

To add a Technical Goal click the Add + button, which will bring up the New Technical Goal form.

new technical goals form

In the screenshot you can see we have filled out the Performance Parameters with some values and their corresponding units; the values in the screenshot are contrived for this guide. The units are selected via a drop-down menu. These values are what you would like the observation to achieve, and are not necessarily strict requirements. Further explanation of each field can be found here (to-do). The Performance Parameters are the minimum amount of information required to Save (screenshot reads Submit because alpha version) a Technical Goal. For now, we ignore the Spectral Window aspect of a Technical Goal, to be revisited later.

After clicking Save you will be brought back to the technical goals summary page, which should now display your newly added Technical Goal.

technical goals summary page

Unlike Targets, you can also Edit and Copy Technical Goals as well as Delete them. This allows you to change the attributes of an existing Technical Goal, or quickly add other Technical Goals that may have similar Performance Parameters and/or Spectral Windows without having to re-input all the data.

Next Step

If you haven't already added a Target then please follow the guide here. If you have now added at least one Target and one Technical Goal to your proposal then please follow the link to Building Observations.