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Add a Target

A fresh proposal will have no Targets added, and you will be presented with the following page:

add a target

To add a Target click the Add + button, which will bring up the New Target form.

"new target form

In the screenshot you will see we have added the Aladin Lite Sky Atlas, and we have found the Crab Nebula using the Lookup function. This fills in the corresponding positional and coordinate system data for the named target, and displays the target in the Sky Atlas. Notice that the backend uses Simbad to search for the named target, such that the name must exist in their databases to be successful; an appropriate error notification is displayed if the named target cannot be found.

You may also simply click anywhere on the Sky Atlas and the corresponding positional details will be updated in the RA and DEC fields (notice that these are currently displayed as degrees only, we have development plans to add HH:MM:SS format and to allow you to select between the units with which you are most comfortable).

You can also manually fill in the fields, the Sky Atlas will automatically change the view to those coordinates. Notice that in this alpha version of Polaris, you can have any coordinate system you like, so long as it's J2000.

You may also change the name of the target after you have looked it up and before you save it as a Target. To save, click the Save button. This will return you to the Targets tab of your proposal now displaying the Target you just saved, and any other targets you may have added.

list of targets

Please notice that the Reference System should read ICRS but due to some bug that has yet to be squished it reads unknown; did I mention this was the alpha version?

You may Delete this target if you so wish, just remember that you need at least one target in order to build an Observation for your proposal.

Next Step

If you haven't already added a Technical Goal then please follow the guide here. If you have now added at least one Target and one Technical Goal to your proposal then please follow the link to Building Observations.