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Use Cases

The following are the actors and high level use cases for the proposal tool.

uml diagram

Digging down

The following use cases occur in rough chronological order of configuring and using the Proposal tool.

deploy the system

In deploying the system a special user that is the system administrator is created - this user's authentication is managed locally rather than using the AAI and has full access to the system.

user registers to system

All other users should go through the AAI mechanisms on initial creation

create observatory admin

the system administrator configures initial supported observatory object(s) and assigns an already registered user (or users) to be the observatory administrators

configure observatory

observatory administrators have the permission to be able to more fully configure observatories - e.g. add telescopes and instruments

create TAC Chair

the observatory administrators can assign someone to be the time allocation committee chair for the observatory

add TAC members

The TAC Chair can add existing users to the TAC

create new proposal cycle

The TAC chair would then create Proposal Cycle

create observing proposal

A PI will create an observing proposal and invite CO-Is

import whole proposal

the proposal could be imported in the approved Polaris Document Exchange Format

clone proposal

PI clones one of their proposals to act as a seed for a new proposal

edit observing proposal

PIs and CO-Is can edit an observing proposal

submit a proposal

When the proposal is complete the PI can formally submit the proposal

withdraw proposal

PI withdraws a previously submitted proposal

assign internal reviewer

TAC Chair assigns a reviewer from their observatory, who must be a registered Polaris user

assign external reviewer

TAC Chair assigns a reviewer from outside their observatory, but reviewer must be a registered Polaris user

review proposals

The proposals can be distributed to the TAC - this might

export whole proposal

the proposal could be exported in several forms, eg, PDF, approved Polaris Document Exchange Format

score proposals

There might be a scoring system that allows people outside the TAC to score as well. See the external reviewer.

review proposal scores

TAC members review the scores assigned by reviewers

assign observing time

The TAC assigns observing time to the highest scoring proposals

inform PIs about allocation

possibly automated email

revoke allocation

TAC Chair revokes a previously allocated proposal, possibly because cycle schedule has become over-subscribed