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Business rules

Creating a proposal

  • A proposal cannot be saved unless both the Title and the Summary are not empty.

Document exchange format

  • A proposal must be Exported in both PDF format and the approved Polaris Exchange Format (defined elsewhere)
  • An Imported proposal created in an external system must be presented in the approved Polaris Exchange Format

Editing a proposal

  • A proposal cannot be edited or deleted by anyone other than its investigators.
  • A proposal with a status other than Created cannot be edited or deleted by anybody.
  • Only an Investigator can upload a document to a proposal

Home page features

  • Polaris must not offer the Maintain Polaris observatory reference data option to any user who does not have an Observatory Administrator role, apart from a System Administrator who must create the initial Observatory record and assign an Observatory Administrator to it.
  • Polaris must not offer the Maintain Polaris system reference data option to any user who does not have a System Administrator role.


  • A proposal has one or more observations
  • An observations has one target
  • A target has one set of technical goals, one or many timing windows, and zero, one or many constraints, and must be identified as either Observation or Calibration
  • A set of technical goals consists of one set of performance parameters and one or more spectral windows

Proposal cycle

  • Start date must be later than submission deadline, end date must be later than start date.

Proposal status

A proposal is assigned one of the following depending on its current state.

  • Allocated: A proposal has been allocated observing time by the TAC
  • Completed: A proposal's observations have all been made
  • Created: A new proposal is being prepared for submission
  • Rejected: A proposal has been rejected by the TAC
  • Revoked: A proposal allocation has been revoked by the TAC
  • Scored: A proposal has been assigned a score by the TAC
  • Submitted: A proposal has been submitted
  • Withdrawn: A submitted or allocated proposal has been withdrawn by the Principal Investigator

Reference data

  • Reference data records (People, Organizations, etc) must not be deleted, they must simply be marked as Discontinued.
  • Administrators must never be deleted, they must simply be marked as Discontinued.
  • Do not display discontinued records when offering a selection.
  • Only Administrators can add or change reference data

Reviewing a proposal

  • A proposal cannot be reviewed by any Polaris-user who is not a nominated Reviewer for the proposal’s chosen observatory.
  • A proposal cannot be reviewed by a TAC member who is also an investigator on the Proposal
  • Investigators’ names must not be displayed to a Reviewer
  • Reviewers’ names must not be displayed to an Investigator

Revoking an allocation

  • A proposal with a status other than Allocated cannot be revoked.
  • Nobody other than the TAC Chair can revoke a proposal.

Submitting a proposal

  • A proposal cannot be submitted unless Title, Summary, Justifications, Observations and each of their components (Targets, Technical Goals, Spectral Windows and Timing Windows) all have non-null values.
  • Nobody other than the Principal Investigator can submit a proposal.
  • A proposal with a status other than Created cannot be submitted.
  • A Proposal cannot be submitted to a proposal cycle whose submission deadline is in the past

Viewing a proposal

  • A proposal cannot be viewed by anyone who is not one of its investigators or reviewers

Withdrawing a proposal

  • Nobody other than the Principal Investigator can withdraw a submitted a proposal.
  • A proposal with a status of Completed cannot be withdrawn.